Posted Jun 07, 2016 by Michael L. Brown

Consider this scenario. A married man and father announces that he is leaving his wife and children in order to be “true to himself.” He has found another love, the most genuine love he has ever known, and he has already moved in with his new lover.

How would society react to him?

“You, sir, are an unfaithful, disloyal adulterer. You should be ashamed of yourself, leaving your wife and kids for another woman.”

He replies, “But it’s not for another woman. It’s for another man. I’m gay and I’ve come to terms with my identity. I won’t go on with the charade any longer, and I’m proud of my decision.”

How does society react now?

“You, sir, are a courageous hero. You have set an example for others to follow, and you should be commended for your boldness and integrity.”

So, if you commit adultery and abandon your family out of heterosexual desires, you are a despicable human being. But if you do it out of homosexual desires, you are a hero and champion. You even become an international celebrity, albeit not without some controversy.

Just ask Jim McGreevey, the former governor of New Jersey. Newsweek called his book The Confession, in which he recounts his own story, “An astonishingly candid memoir...brave and powerful.”

If Bill Clinton had left Hillary Clinton, finding his true love in Monica Lewinsky and writing a book about it, do you think his story would have been praised with similar words?

I’m quite aware that, in some cases, the wives were deeply sympathetic to their husbands’ struggles, recognizing that their spouses were fighting inner demons and were embarrassed at their inability to satisfy their wives.

LGBT activists would also tell us that, had society not forced gays into the closet, these men would never have been under pressure to marry women in the first place.

And I can only imagine the sense of emotional relief they experienced when they finally “came out.”

But none of this changes the fact that: 1) they broke the wedding vows they made; 2) many of them had marriages that were functioning well before they came out; 3) they ultimately put their own needs above those of their spouses and children; 4) they did not (and could not) truly calculate the long-term effects of their decision on their family; 5) in many cases, they were unfaithful while married and it was their relationship to another man that caused them to come out.

How is any of this commendable or praiseworthy? Where is the courage in it, let alone the integrity? Why does homosexuality somehow turn immorality into morality? And why, if you’re a professing Christian, does it land you an interview on The View?

I once read the story of an Orthodox Jewish man who was training to be a rabbi when he realized that, to his dismay, he was not sexually attracted to women. Then, while riding a New York City subway, he found himself intensely attracted to another man, having sex with that stranger the same day.

Yet when he recounts this story, which can only be condemned as immoral by all branches of Orthodox Judaism, he says not a negative word. He utters not a syllable of, “This, of course, was a terribly wrong act, since sex out of wedlock is forbidden, particularly with the same sex.”

No, this was his day of discovery, of recognizing that he was gay. The immoral act of fornication now become part of his positive, self-discovery process. (I’ve read similar stories written by “gay Christian” ministers.)

Today, LGBT activism has added another twist to the story, not only changing the rules of morality but also of fairness.

Consider this scenario. A highly decorated, female high-school athlete is found to have an unfair advantage over her peers, because of which that they are not competing on level ground. How would society view her accomplishments?

“You should be ashamed of yourself, taking supplements or bending the rules or doing whatever you did to win. That is so unfair to the other girls, and you should be stripped of your medals.”

She replies, “But I’m transgender.”

How does society react now?

“We are so sorry for being critical! The fact that you’re a biological male shouldn’t be held against you when competing with the other girls. And if they have a problem with it, they’re just a bunch of insecure transphobes.”

The tragic irony of this is that the Obama administration is now threatening schools with the loss of government funding if they do not embrace the demands of transgender activism, citing the alleged violation of Title IX.

But one of the primary purposes of Title IX was to ensure equal opportunities for female student athletes. After all, on average, males have a biological advantage over females when it comes to athletic competition, because of which Title IX protections make perfect sense – that is, perfect sense unless we’re talking about transgender-identified students, in which case rules of fairness go out the window.

So what if your daughter is now competing for an athletic scholarship with someone else’s son.

So what if the girls’ softball team now loses consistently to its archrival because their new star player is a biological male.

And, as we are now learning, so what if your teenage daughters are terribly upset by the presence of a physical boy in their locker rooms and shower stalls.

The only issue is that the transgender-identified student feels safe and affirmed, regardless of how this affects everyone else.

As the Charlotte Observer infamously counseled, girls will just have to get over the “discomfort” of seeing male genitalia in their locker rooms.

Needless to say, when it comes to marriages affected by transgender issues, normal standards disappear as well. Thus the man who breaks his wife’s heart after decades of marriage and destroys his relationship with his kids is deemed a courageous hero if he did it because, he says, he could no longer live as a man and had to identify as a woman.

This is all part of a larger societal narrative in which freedoms of speech, religion, and conscience are consistently trumped by gay and transgender “rights.”

Should we be surprised that wrong has now become right and unfair has now become fair, all in the name of LGBT activism?

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Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Jun 21, 2016
Well Fred, I took the time to do some research today and make a bunch of phone calls and it turned out to be just like I’ve been telling you all along. I don’t know where you live Fred, maybe you don’t even live in the United States; maybe that’s your problem. But here in the United States we are fortunate to still be afforded some religious freedoms and liberties. (Thank God the Founding Fathers didn’t believe like YOU!) Here in the United States, religious institutions are still granted certain exemptions and liberties because they are religious institutions. One that I just verified with several universities is that they are NOT required to teach evolution as a fact in order to be accredited. That’s total nonsense. You must have gotten your information about that from the same place that told you that Jesus never existed. Here are 3 Christian Universities within 50 miles of where I live that are accredited, teach Creationism, and do NOT teach evolution as a scientific fact: Mt. Vernon Nazarene University, Cedarville University, and Malone University. Oh they mention evolution in class alright, but they don’t teach it as a scientific fact. What they do in mentioning evolution is to point out all the reasons why it can’t possibly be true based on scientific reasons. So, it turns out that you are the liar after all, and you are the one who needs to do the apologizing. Turns out YOU are the one who should have done some actual research yourself before regurgitating some other ignorant atheist’s lies.
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Fred posted a comment · Jun 19, 2016
For Randy and the rest of those of you not of this world, in the real world no one loses credibility for disbelieving unsubstantiated claims. The person who makes claims and has no evidence to support these claims is the person who has no credibility. That would be you Randy. I will ask again, for at least the third time now for the names of the Christian colleges within 50 miles of your house that teach science but do not teach evolution. What do they teach in their biology classes may I ask? There's only one brand of biology and that is evolutionary biology. There's nothing else to teach. No Christian schools teach Intelligent Design Magic or Creation Magic as biology. Magic is not science. Google "Edward Babinski On the Conversions of C.S. Lewis, Josh McDowell and Lee Strobel." There you will see that Strobel's claim to be a former atheist is fraudulent. And McDowell claimed he was agnostic, not atheist. Strobel started going to church because his wife wanted him to, found it emotionally moving, and then started reading Christian apologetics to assure himself it was all true. When people are pressured by family circumstance to change their opinion about an important issue, their recantation is likely to be genuine, rather than insincere, so that they can honestly look at themselves in the mirror. People try to preserve their self-respect if they turned to Jesus "because evidence pointed the way" but not when "their wives and in-laws nagged their ears off and whipped them into a fundamentalist frenzy." Is that what happened to you? Just think about how pointless and pitiful your argument really is. According to Christian leaders 50,000 people a week in America alone leave the religion forever. A net average of 7 churches close per week, one every day. You're bleeding converts by the millions. 3 out of 4 Christian college students leave the faith before they graduate. And you want to talk about two people, TWO men who converted to Christianity because of the influence of a wife and a girl friend! It just does not get any more pathetic than that. Again, post the names of the Christian colleges within 50 miles of your house that teach science but do not teach evolution and tell their students evolution is unproven. Oh what a web you weave when you begin to deceive. How come you were not smart enough to check out what I said BEFORE you made up a bunch of nonsense about those schools. That tells me a lot about how well you research things. Not at all.
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Fred posted a comment · Jun 19, 2016
"but have the audacity to refuse to believe me when I say I know THREE local ones that don't. That's called zero credibility Fred. Maybe you don't know what credibility is. It's called: believable." Name 'em and claim 'em. Until you do that you have zero credibility. Let's see the names of those colleges. Because I will look them up and contact them tomorrow. If you are not lying you have no reason not to post the names of these schools. You dug your own grave with this whopper.
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Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Jun 17, 2016
God said in Psalm 14:1 and in Psalm 53:1 that the fool says there is no God . If anyone has ever proven that true Fred, you certainly have. You've done an excellent job of helping me see why God said that. I'll be more than happy to name the three local Christian colleges that don't teach evolution...that is, when you can prove that you've been in the biology class of EVERY Christian college to substantiate your off-the-wall claim that EVERY Christian college teaches evolution. In the meantime, I am not wasting my time reading the rest of your inane comment(s) in your last post...whatever they are...because you have no credibility. You claim to know that EVERY Christian college teaches evolution, but have the audacity to refuse to believe me when I say I know THREE local ones that don't. That's called zero credibility Fred. Maybe you don't know what credibility is. It's called: believable.
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Fred posted a comment · Jun 17, 2016
"I know several Christian colleges within 50 miles of where I live that don't teach evolution as a scientific fact. The only thing they teach about evolution is how it is an unproven and unprovable THEORY." I'm calling your bluff on that one. How would you know what is taught inside a biology class? You've never been in one. Post the names of these colleges. Don't try to sidestep that whopper either. "Even evolutionists admit it is only a theory Fred. Professor Louis T. More, one of the most vocal evolutionists said, “The more one studies paleontology, the more certain one becomes that evolution is based on faith alone.” Louis T. More, The Dogma of Evolution (Princeton: University Press, 1925), pg. 160. That's from his book, not a web site." Louis T. More was born in 1870 and was a physicist, not a biologist. His book, The Dogma of Evolution (1925), protested the extension of evolution from biology to philosophy. You have to be pretty desperate to post quote made before the Scopes trial by someone who wasn't even a biologist! You try to foist a bunch of made-up nonsense about what Christian colleges teach in their biology classes, you quote mine a guy who was never qualified to even talk about biological evolution and then you type this: "You've proven long ago you have no credibility Fred. And the more you comment, the more you prove it. Sure doesn't sound like your having fun anymore Fred. You sound quite angry." Oh yeah, I have no credibility. You're the one raging against science, just like Bible believers have always done. What mathematical proof do you have based on the known equations of thermodynamics, that order can not spontaneously arise from disorder? If God decides when we live and die then why are humans living much longer due to advances in medical scientific research? Our knowledge of how nature structures itself by natural selection is the only reason we have been able to increase the life-span of human beings. You likely would have already died of some previously incurable disease by now had we never figured out how life evolves. So you can pray to your imaginary deity all you want, but you should be thankful for all the evolutionary biologists most of whom toil away in obscurity just trying to make the world a better, safer, healthier and more beautiful place. You're an ingrate thanking the God of your own ego for what others have done for you.
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Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Jun 14, 2016
Every Christian college teaches evolution? Really? So, you've been to every one huh Fred? Next you'll tell me you've been all over the entire universe and there was no God to be found anywhere. I know several Christian colleges within 50 miles of where I live that don't teach evolution as a scientific fact. The only thing they teach about evolution is how it is an unproven and unprovable THEORY. Even evolutionists admit it is only a theory Fred. Professor Louis T. More, one of the most vocal evolutionists said, “The more one studies paleontology, the more certain one becomes that evolution is based on faith alone.” Louis T. More, The Dogma of Evolution (Princeton: University Press, 1925), pg. 160. That's from his book, not a web site. You've proven long ago you have no credibility Fred. And the more you comment, the more you prove it. Sure doesn't sound like your having fun anymore Fred. You sound quite angry.
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Fred posted a comment · Jun 14, 2016
Every Christian college and university teaches evolution just as it is taught in secular colleges. So here's what you can do. Take your arguments to science department at the Christian college or university of your choice. Demand that they cease teaching evolution and teach instead students the man from dirt and woman from a rib story and see what they say. But you won't do that and we both know why. So when you creationists can get your own CHRISTIAN colleges and universities to stop teaching evolution you get back to me okay? I don't expect to see another ridiculous post from you until you get Christian biologists to believe your hocus pocus. Good luck with that.
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Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Jun 12, 2016
There is not ONE single thing on this web site that I have cut and pasted from ANY other web site. None. Like I already told you Fred, you aren't half as smart as you think you are and claim to be. Your false accusations are simply proving it now. Lying? You are the one who is lying. Those evolutionists' quotes are exactly what they said and wrote. I didn't copy them off of anyone's web site. Are you going to tell me that you are smarter than all those highly educated evolutionists? You know absolutely nothing about me and yet you claim I know NOTHING about the Bible. Really? Statements like that only show you have no credibility. I don't even read what people are saying on Creationist web sites. I don't even visit those sites. I don't need to. I've done my own studying. You should try doing the same thing. If you would, you wouldn't be so glaringly ignorant. You are the one who is simply regurgitating what you've heard and read by other ignorant atheists. There are some atheists that are at least honest enough to admit that there is historical evidence that Jesus existed. I provided those links for you. Those atheists are greatly bothered by atheists like you who make them look like fools for denying things that are verifiable facts. There is no better analogy to the the Big Bang Theory than the tornado in a junk yard. It fits perfectly. You are so deceived you can't even see the proverbial forest for the trees.
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Fred posted a comment · Jun 12, 2016
Cutting and pasting absurd arguments from creationist websites proves you don't do any of your own thinking. Your 747 analogy doesn't work. Evolution is not chance. It operates according to a fixed law of natural selection. This favors some assemblages over others because it preferentially selects for those adaptations which improve fitness and selects against those that do not. The fact that you don't know that proves that you have never read the scientific literature on evolution but only the dishonest mischaracterizations of it by (NO) Answers in Genesis and the Never Discovered Anything Institute. The fact that we know you creationists wilfully publish misinformation and outright lies about all science really, just illustrates the desperation of the creationist position. You would not have to lie but creationist lies are all documented on the Internet for everyone to see. You could do yourself a favor and 1. read them, 2. stop using them to defend your superstitions. It makes you look very dishonest. "The faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences is committed to the highest standards of scientific integrity and academic function. This commitment carries with it unwavering support for academic freedom and the free exchange of ideas. It also demands the utmost respect for the scientific method, integrity in the conduct of research, and recognition that the validity of any scientific model comes only as a result of rational hypothesis testing, sound experimentation, and findings that can be replicated by others. The department faculty, then, are unequivocal in their support of evolutionary theory, which has its roots in the seminal work of Charles Darwin and has been supported by findings accumulated over 140 years. The sole dissenter from this position, Prof. Michael Behe, is a well-known proponent of "intelligent design." While we respect Prof. Behe's right to express his views, they are his alone and are in no way endorsed by the department. It is our collective position that intelligent design has no basis in science, has not been tested experimentally, and should not be regarded as scientific." -Lehigh University And finally if you had actually read your Bible you would know hell will supposedly be created when Jesus supposedly returns. Heaven will then come down to Earth as the New Jerusalem. THAT is when Jesus separates the believers and unbelievers. So there is no one in hell or heaven right now according the Bible which you have not read. Obviously. I mean this great!! Once again the atheist has to school some guy claiming to be a reverend no less on what the Bible teaches. So hell doesn't exist yet but you believe people who claim to have been there who are OBVIOUSLY lying to get attention and you doubt what hard working scientists discover, people who have made the world a better place through science. Something your religion has never done and never will. How does it feel to get schooled on the Bible by an atheist? You ain't no preacher. You know NOTHING about the Bible. Thanks this was FUN!
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Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Jun 12, 2016
1. Evolution is the stupidest theory ever put forth by man Fred. It makes as much sense to believe in evolution as to believe that a tornado could go through a junk yard and leave a fully functioning 747 in its wake. The truth is that YOU are the one who believes too much. I don't have NEAR the faith you do. It takes far more faith to believe in evolution than Creation. 2. I don't address your Passover nonsense because even secular researchers acknowledge the Passover happening. For example, I watched a Nova program (which is NOT a Christian entity) years ago where they showed the evidence of chariot wheel remnants on the bottom of the Red Sea. The truth is that you don't know half as much as you think you do Fred. People who actually know a lot don't have to go around bragging about it. 3. I know people who hadn't received Jesus into their hearts and died and were brought back to life and told of their horrible experience of going to hell. I also know people who had accepted Jesus Christ into their lives and died and were brought back to life and told of their experience of going to heaven. Of course, I know you won't believe it because you are an unbeliever. But being a unbeliever is your prerogative Fred. 4. Back to this evolution nonsense. I've studied this for years. No true Christian believes in evolution. You didn't go to an actual Christian college Fred, you went to some liberal pseudo "Christian" institution. Jacque Monod, the Nobel prize-winning scientist from France, who is an evolutionist and NOT a Christian, says that he is appalled that any Christian would try to embrace evolution. As “Darwin’s Bulldog,” Thomas Huxley stated, “It is clear that the doctrine of evolution is directly antagonistic to that of Creation….Evolution, if consistently accepted, makes it impossible to believe the Bible.” One of the world’s leading scientists, (whose knowledge FAR supersedes yours Fred), Sir Cecil Wakeley, whose credentials are rather impressive—K.B.E., C.B., LL.D., M.CH., Doctor of Science, F.R.C.S., past president of Royal College of Surgeons of Great Britain—said, “Scripture is quite definite that God created the world, and I for one believe that to be a fact, not fiction. There is no evidence, scientific or otherwise, to support the theory of evolution.” Here are some quotes from famous evolutionists themselves. (A.) The vocal evolutionist T. H. Morgan said in his book, Evolution and Adaptation: Within the period of human history we do not know of a single instance of the transformation of one species into another one…It may be claimed that the theory of descent is lacking, therefore, in the most essential feature that it needs to place a theory on a scientific basis. This must be admitted.” (B.) Sir Julian Huxley, one of the world’s leading evolutionists, head of UNESCO, and descendant of Thomas Huxley—“Darwin’s Bulldog”—said on a talk show, “I suppose the reason we leaped at The Origin of Species was because the idea of God interfered with our sexual mores.” (C.) Professor D.M.S. Watson, a famous evolutionist, said that the evolution theory is universally accepted, “not because it has been observed to occur or can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative—special creation—is clearly incredible.” (D.) A famous British evolutionist, Sir Arthur Keith said, “Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it because the only alternative is special creation, which is unthinkable.” (E.) Professor Louis T. More, one of the most vocal evolutionists said, “The more one studies paleontology, the more certain one becomes that evolution is based on faith alone.”
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Fred posted a comment · Jun 12, 2016
Thank you for your concern but there is no reason for it. Now why would I accept a personal experience of God from you as proof your God exists when you would never accept that kind of "evidence" from an adherent of another religion that there God is real? Not only do I understand the text of the Bible but I have a much deeper understanding of science than any Bible believer. In my first week of biology at a private Christian college we were given the evidence that human evolution is the best documented science we have. It's the only thing we are absolutely sure of. Evolutionary Theory is the most useful, most productive, most predictive, best established and longest scientific explanation we have had for anything. This is what they have taught in Christian universities and colleges for over a century. Who should I listen to? Scientists or someone who tries force a meaning on the Bible not shared by the authors. You never addressed the fact that Passover is a fiction. No Passover, no Christianity. And no apology forthcoming for foisting this horrible story on the world and damaging the dignity of Egypt and its people. The thing is I know too much and you believe too much. Again no atheist fears your imaginary torture chamber. It's an empty threat that proves Christianity only appeals to the base human emotion of cowardice. get off your knees and help the rest of us make the world a better place.
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Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Jun 12, 2016
As an ambassador of Jesus Christ, it is my duty to warn you about hell Fred. You claim to know the Bible much better than I do. Therefore, you should know that Jesus talked more about hell than He did heaven Fred. And if you have any common sense, you would know Jesus did that because He did want people to go there. That’s why Jesus willing went to the cross. I believe in Jesus for the same reason you believe in gravity Fred. One word: experience. I've experienced Jesus. I've heard His voice and witnessed Him answering many prayers. I’ve seen Jesus miraculously transform people’s lives that was not possible other than supernaturally. Try convincing me that gravity is a myth Fred. That is the first step you'll have to take before trying to convince me—or anyone else who has experienced Jesus personally—that He doesn't exist. There is no other way to get to heaven other than Jesus Fred. If there was, God certainly wouldn't have sent Jesus to earth to die a cruel death on a cross.
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Fred posted a comment · Jun 12, 2016
It never fails. The Christian sees his arguments destroyed and reveals to us all the only reason he's trying to believe the lies of the Christian protection racket. You have been frightened into your sicko beliefs by OTHER PEOPLE. You have no evidence for any afterlife because no such thing is possible. Fear is not a good reason to believe something but it's the ONLY reason you are a Christian. You just proved it. To be trapped by fear the way you are and for no good reason. If you're God really existed he would know how you are just hedging your bet and he would surely tell you, "I never knew you." If the only reason you believe is to avoid the flames of hell you will wind up there anyway. You lose either way. No atheist is afraid of your imaginary torture chamber. Maddening isn't it? Unbelief isn't a crime. It's the only way to have a full and enjoyable life. And your jealousy and envy just makes it that much better. POOF
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Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Jun 11, 2016
There are many people in hell this very moment who USED to believe exactly like you believe Fred. Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing they can do about it now. Once you die Fred, you will remember this conversation for the rest of your life. And you will wish you were me after all. But it will be too late. "I tell you, NOW is the time of God's favor, NOW is the day of salvation." I Corinthians 6:2 (NIV 1978)
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Fred posted a comment · Jun 11, 2016
People who have been studying the Bible for years, whether they are believers are not are afraid to admit that Jesus never existed. Because then they'd have to admit they've been studying Bugs Bunny their whole lives. Most people's egos will not let them make that kind of admission. Your appeals to authority reveal that you cannot defend your superstitions about Jesus Christ all by yourself. I've read all these goofy claims that Jesus existed and not one of them will ever stand up to scrutiny. The Bible says Jesus' fame spread throughout the land. So it is quite impossible that this supposedly famous person is never mentioned even once in the historical record. Don't think I did not notice that you avoided my question about why you dishonestly claim that the resurrection of Jesus is the best attested event in history when you know very well this event is not mentioned by ANYONE. You know the authors of Matthew, Luke and John plagiarized and embellished Mark's Gospel (a solar myth) and that there are no eyewitness accounts of anything in the Gospels. Instead the authors can tell us about stuff that supposedly happened when no one was around to hear or see it, a hallmark of fiction. God writes in the style of fiction and experts us all to believe it's really history. sure. Wow you people are GULLIBLE. Once again you will read my post, ignore the objections to your bogus claims and simply repeat yourself over and over and over again. Your bad debating ethics reflect some really disgusting personal ethics. But without a sensible basis for morality you can't find a reason to admit the truth. Would not want to be you.
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Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Jun 11, 2016
@ Fred...To claim there is no evidence that Jesus ever existed makes you look pitifully ignorant. Even leading atheists admit that Jesus existed. They just reject the idea that He rose from the dead and that He is God. How many articles by leading atheists do you need to read to realize how ignorant your claim is that Jesus never existed Fred? Here are a couple for starters..... An Atheist’s Defense of the Historicity of Jesus..... What Is An Atheist For Jesus?......,....... An Atheist Historian Examines The Evidence For Jesus......
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Fred posted a comment · Jun 11, 2016
"And since God is the one who created mankind, He is the only one who has the authority to change those rules. And there isn't any place in the Bible where it says God has changed any rules regarding sexual morality." It doesn't matter what the Bible says. The first four of the Ten Commandments demand the worship of only one God. This country was founded on a clear rejection of those four commandments. Therefore for that reason and many others the Bible has absolutely no authority at all in this country. It's a book of astrotheology a little too sophisticated, actually way, way too sophisticated for the literal mind, especially one that has been tortured by the threat of eternal damnation. The fish sign, the elephant in the room. There's reason we can't find any evidence Jesus ever existed. Solar deities are not real.
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Glenn Loewen posted a comment · Jun 09, 2016
Death cult? Wow....interestingly enough just yesterday I spent about an hour at a new "Life Center" my dear wife is helping open up. Fighting for the dignity of life, whether it's the unborn, the seniors, the afflicted. It's likely one reason we've had a crippled, elderly aboriginal man stay with us for weeks. His life matters. As does yours, Fred.
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Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Jun 09, 2016
@ Fred....Re: "Sexuality, marriage, fidelity, courtship, and marital roles" existed BEFORE the Bible was written. That's true Fred, but those things didn't exist before God created mankind and made the rules regarding sexual morality. God was the one who inspired men to write His rules down in a book we call the Bible. And since God is the one who created mankind, He is the only one who has the authority to change those rules. And there isn't any place in the Bible where it says God has changed any rules regarding sexual morality.
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Fred posted a comment · Jun 08, 2016
"Sexuality, marriage, fidelity, courtship, and marital roles" existed BEFORE the Bible was written, before the Jewish people or Christian existed. So the Bible can comment on these things but it cannot take credit for them, it carries no weight outside of your death cult. None.
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Glenn Loewen posted a comment · Jun 07, 2016
You're right, it's bizarre how the rules have changed. Once same-sex marriage infiltrates the church, the Bible will have little/no application to sexuality, marriage, fidelity, courtship, and marital roles. So culture or influential leaders will set the rules without an authority base....And the Bible will be ignored and disparaged more and more; just like Voltaire wanted it to be.