Dr. Brown Interviews Pastor Andy Stanley

Posted Jul 12, 2018 by Caleb

Does Andy Stanley Want Us to Unhitch from the Old Testament?

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Dr Brown, I thank God for your friendship with Andy Stanley and for your interview with him. I am currently reading his most recent book release, Irresistible, and I appreciate where he’s coming from. His target audience is those for whom certain parts of the Old Testament may be a stumbling block to faith. It’s all about context. Many evangelical commentators have been quick to pin the Marcionite label onto Andy, which perplexes me. Granted he could probably be more tactful in the use of some words, but again the background he lays out in his new book is quite clear in my opinion. The most striking thing he says is something to the effect that once someone comes to Christ, the Old Testament comes alive for them! I am reminded of an Australian theologian, Peter Adam, who talked about 4 conversions: http://schuller.id.au/2009/07/01/you-need-4-conversions-%C2%AB-shane%E2%... Every blessing in Christ be yours, Chris

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