Posted Sep 18, 2013 by Michael L. Brown

In response to my article, “’Grand Theft Auto’ as a Reflection on the State of the Nation,” this comment was posted by “TheStupidityKillsMe”:

“There are actual studies on this. Last I checked (and it was a long time ago) there were no found correlations. People who are “well” minded do not become desensitized because they can distinguish between reality/non-reality. People with a predisposition to violence will always be prone to violence, whether they see it on a video game/movie/real life. The only way of stopping that is by strengthening our mental health care, not censoring anything that isn’t rainbows and sunshine.

“Sorry, I hope I’m not offending you.

“I’ve played GTA since it first came out when I was a kid. I know from personal experience that I am A.) not prone to violence nor would I ever hurt anyone in such a way. B.) I am not desensitized, if anything I am very sensitive to real life violence. C.) This game has never had a negative impact on my morals or view on life.

“So, I personally find this article very irrelevant.”

How would you respond? (And yes, there are studies that correlate violent behavior with watching video games, for the record.) Post your comments here!

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