Posted Aug 26, 2013 by Michael L. Brown


1. Do you agree with the statement “I have the right to marry the one I love”?

Yes: 100 No: 2

If so, are there any exceptions? (Polyamory? Polygamy? Consensual adult incest [opposite sex? same-sex?]? Age of consent for marriage?)

Yes: 59 No: 23 Yes and No: 1


Voted NO: Against polyamory: you’re into what you’re into, so do what you wanna do. Yes, restrictions on age. 2 consensual adults. Right to do what you want. No age of consent: if you love someone, go ahead and get married. Too jealous. Adult incest. To each his own. Whatever floats your boat, as long as it’s not hurting others.

Voted YES: Age appropriate. Incest (is it consensual); age of consent 17 years. 2 individuals only; legal age of consent 18. Incest. Incest. Unless adults. Incest. 18 for age of consent. Age, incest. Big age difference for minors. Pedophilia. Polyamory, polygamy. Incest – biological reasons, not old enough. Incest. Incest/age. Age/incest. Incest; no on age exception. Incest and age. Incest/age. Marry who you want to. I don’t believe in marriage. Age. Age of consent. Polygamy, incest. Age limits, no minors, etc. Age 16 (the youngest). Not incest. Polyamory, incest; age doesn’t matter. Children. No, incest, polygamy. Polygamy, polyamory, consensual adult incest. Consensual adult incest (should have marital counseling). Same sex, incest is not to be. Incest, age. Age of consent (older than 20’s marrying younger than 15). Age of consent. Polygamy, incest; those are crimes. Age of consent; no abuse/harm. Polygamy, consensual adult incest, age of consent. No pedophilia. Incest and polyamory. No incest. No pedophilia; consenting adults only. Incest, age for marriage.

2. If same-sex marriage becomes the law of the land, should religious exemptions be allowed for those who do not want to participate?

Yes: 71 No: 20 Yes and No: 1 (yes for churches; no for businesses)

If so, does that apply to churches? Businesses? Individuals?


Voted NO: Separation between church and state.

Voted YES: Churches, yes, businesses, no. I believe everyone is entitled to believe what they believe. I believe work should not discriminate, though, but [people] are still entitled to believe what they believe. Yes, churches, no, businesses. Yes, churches, businesses, no. Churches, businesses. Churches have the right to do as the please; however, prejudice is never acceptable. Individuals. Individuals who cater to the public, no; churches, yes; businesses, no. Churches shouldn’t be forced. All of the above. Churches, states. Churches. Churches, yes; business, only personal. Applies to all; no penalties. To everyone. Churches, businesses. Churches, businesses. Churches, businesses. Churches – religious freedom; businesses should be required to serve everyone – no discrimination; not endorsing gay marriage in business – it is a business. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Freedom of speech. Churches, but not businesses; not sure what is meant by individuals. Churches, not individuals, not businesses. Yes for all. Churches. Churches, yes, businesses, no. Yes to all. Not sure. Churches. All.

If not, what should the penalty be (for churches, businesses, individuals)?


Voted NO: Financial fine. Fine. No penalty. Fine, progressive warning. (Applies to churches, businesses, individuals.)
Voted YES: Civil lawsuit (businesses). Fine [for] penalty is smart; quick punishment/penalty should be enacted, not huge lawsuit. Pay fines – their religious right not as high right as participating in gay marriage. Litigation. Fine large enough to prevent any further action.

3. If someone is not happy with their gender, should they be allowed to pursue a change of gender?

Yes: 96 No: 2

Comments: Not a choice.

Yes and no: 1

If so, should they have to wait until they reach a certain age?

Gender Yes: Age 16. Youth at 16. Need period of time; mental health process. 15 or 16. As long as its not government funded. 18. 18. 13.

Orientation Yes: No age limit. If it’s consented. (Yes and no: but right to pursue feelings.) Whenever. 18.
No (orientation): Because it’s not permanent. Sexuality is fluid.

4. If you could snap your fingers and change your sexual orientation or gender, would you?

Yes: 13 No: 80


Voted Yes: Gender, back and forth (female, pansexual). I’d be a woman if I could be one (male). I’d be straighter and blacker (straight male). “So, you would not be gay if you could change it?” “Yes, because of how people at school and teachers treat me.”
Voted No: Happy with who you are. God makes all equal. Love who you want. Used to want to. Happy with who I am. God made them that way. God made me who I am. No, happy with who I am, yet easier to live in society [if changed].

5. Is it bigoted to believe that homosexual practice is sin?

Yes: 55 No: 48

Comments: Bigoted to believe a Bible that has been rewritten; can’t prove; mistranslations. Bible does say man and woman, but over years, views have changed. Being say is a lifestyle; gay sex is a sin.

If so, should people be allowed to express this view publicly?

Yes: 36 No: 2

Comments: Should be allowed to express – freedom of speech – not spread my hatred or violence. Freedom of speech. 1st Amendment to speak but not to discriminate. Yes, but not forceful. Free speech. Your belief is [just] that – your belief. To an extent; not in their event. In a respectful manner. People should be able to express beliefs. They can express it publicly. You have to learn to tolerate those that hate or are ignorant [voted Yes]. It’s a constitutional right. Yes, but respectfully. Love for all. Yes, freedom of speech. Freedom of speech. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but opinions shouldn’t be forced. Don’t push that on others [voted No]. Not publicly.

6. Is it bigoted to say there is only one way to God?

Yes: 56 No: 36

Comments: Ignorant, not bigoted. Religious opinion. That’s a hard question [did not answer].

If so, was Jesus bigoted when He claimed to be the only way to the Father?

Yes: 26 No: 39

Comments: Accepting Jesus, ask forgiveness sincerely. Kinda. Just interpretation. We don’t know if he existed [did not answer]. He could be that way. Different people have their own gods [did not answer]. If that’s what you believe. I believe neither. What is written is not the exact words of Christ [did not answer]. Indifferent [did not answer]. Not divine. If your belief is that there is really one way, you have that right to believe so. More than one way [did not answer]. Long time ago [did not answer; group of 7].

7. How would you characterize yourself?

Male: 46 Female: 51
Other: Gender queer.
Gay: 64 Straight: 14 Bi: 9 Trans: 1
Gay and trans: 1 Gay and bi: 1
Other: People lover; pansexual; man, woman, trans. Pansexual. Pansexual. Ominisexual. (All of these female.)

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